
FitForMe vitamiinid ja toidulisandid

Scientifically proven

Tailored to your operation

One capsule per day


We believe in improving the quality of life of every person. At FitForMe, we help people who are moving towards a better quality of life through bariatric surgery. We do this by providing scientifically developed supplements tailored for different bariatric surgeries.

Our Philosophy

A weight loss surgery is the first courageous step toward a new, healthy life. But it is also invasive. Physically and mentally. FitForMe understands this. That is why we develop multivitamins that help you stay in balance. Through years of experience and scientific research we know which vitamins and minerals you absorb less after surgery. Therefore, our multivitamins are formulated to give you just that extra support. This is how we are there for you. Every day again. Now, tomorrow and later.

Our commitment

A world without obesity – that is our greatest wish. Unfortunately, the reality is different. About 30 percent of the total world population is overweight. Over 700 million people are obese. And thousands worldwide are waiting for surgery. There is a great need for our services. Therefore, our team of driven and talented professionals is committed every day to support people with weight loss surgery surgery. Worldwide, we have already helped more than 1 million happy patients on their way to a healthy and balanced life. We want to continue to make that impact.

The Team

Your health is our mission. Our team of scientists, dieticians and FitForMe experts is happy to support you on your journey to a healthy life.